So, with this in mind, I decided to make a conscious effort to take note of the times when I was doing something that made me SMILE and see how I could turn it into a business. Then it came to me. BAKING! I looooove to bake (just ask my sons). Especially those yummy, sweet treats that everybody loves (and their waistlines hate). I particularly love to bake traditional New Zealand cakes, biscuits and slices – recipes straight from the pages of my Edmond’s cookbook – the same one that my sister gave to me as a wedding present, 20 something years ago and I still use today, even though the pages are all stuck together and the edges are folded but that’s all part of what makes it special.
There are tons of kiwis living on the Gold Coast and so the idea came to me – why don’t I start a cafe, selling fantastic coffee and compliment that with my sweet NZ treats and bring a taste of NZ to here on the Gold Coast. I tested my idea on my kiwi mates and they’re all like “choice cuz, are you going to make louise cake” or “ooh I love afghans are you going to make those sis?” Well the answer is YES! All the favourites, made the ‘kiwi’ way, no airs and graces, no modern alternatives (except for those with allergies!), just good old fashioned cooking, the traditional way, the way we remember them as kids.
There is a touch of bitter sweetness to my venture. My beautiful Mum, the one who taught me a love of baking, passed away when I was only 16. Thankfully, though, she’d taught me how to bake and left me with her legacy and love of ‘sweet treats’ to continue on with my family. It is she who I dedicate this business too - Carole - my “little slice of heaven”.
I hope you enjoy surfing through my website, and find something delicious that either reminds you of home or something new you want to try. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Have a happy day :-) Tracey